Teachers and school representatives of Simlong Elementary School received from JGSOC bundles of food to celebrate World Teachers’ Day.
“The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers” was this year’s theme for the 28th anniversary of World Teachers’ Day.
As appreciation to the dedication and passion of the hardworking teachers in the host barangays where JG Summit Olefins Corporation (JGSOC) plant is located, the company surprised 140 teachers of Simlong Elementary School, Pinamucan Ibaba Elementary School, Pinamucan Elementary School, PIIT Elementary School, Malibayo Elementary School, Mabacong Elementary School, Pinamucan Integrated High School, and Child Development Centers with bundles of food containing buckets of Uncle John’s Fried Chicken, breads from The Bakers Selection, chocolates and Refresh water.
“Salamat po sa napakasarap na sorpresa sa ating mga teacher, tunay na hindi nakalilimutan ng JG Summit Olefins (Corporation) ang ating mga guro,” Mrs. Divine Mendoza, School Principal of Pinamukan Elementary School said.
(Thank you to the wonderful surprise for our teachers, truly JG Summit Olefins [Corporation] do not forget our teachers.)
In addition, fellow educator Mrs. Elizabeth Arellano posted on her Facebook account her gratitude to JGSOC for the food they have received to commemorate World Teachers’ Day.
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established the celebration of World Teachers’ Day every October 5, which started in 1994. This marked the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILQ/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers covering teachers’ rights, responsibilities and teaching and learning conditions, among others.
To all teachers in the Philippines and around the world, Happy World Teachers’ Day!